Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's Spring?

Nice tulips DAD! Is that SNOW? On April 25th?

Hey Cindy and Karen , Come and get in the picture!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mary's Graduation

April 23 was commencement and April 24 was convocation. These are scenes at convocation after Dad handed her the diploma during convocation held for Dad's school of Sociology.

Jared showed up for Mary's Graduation

Great weather for pictures afterward.

Funny pictures at the restaurant later.

We were all having a great time.

Say "Cheese".

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter at Home!

Tim getting ready to go on his MISSION!!
It's almost Spring outside, I don't think it's Spring
because it's too cold, and it's April!

Mary and her friend Jared at Easter!

Mary, Carol and Tyler working on dessert

Jon pestering Ryan at Easter

Nick, Pat and Carter heading for the dessert

Comedy in the Kitchen with Carol and Mary

Mary's Broken Nose at Basketball Playoffs

Basketball can be hazardous to your health!

Did Mary break her nose?

Friday, April 3, 2009

These are Cindy's election posters!
It was a lot of hard work, but a good experience.
Today the election results were announced and sadly she did not win BUT the results of Vivace (singing group) tryouts were shown and she is IN Vivace for next year. CONGRATS!